How to apply for car insurance? it’s very simple, but before that Let’s take a look at why car insurance is necessary. If there is an accident with your vehicle, you may not have money, and if there is an accident and no money, you will face impossible difficulties. If you don’t have insurance, you won’t be able to repair your car and you won’t be able to pay for the damage done to the other party.
Therefore, Indian government has made insurance for vehicles mandatory. If your car is not insured then RTO can fine you penalty. Hence vehicle insurance is essential.
If your car insurance is about to expire or has expired, how to take out or renew the insurance. this process is very simple.
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If your car insurance is about to expire in a few days, you don’t need to take out new insurance, you can renew the existing insurance. All you have to do is contact your nearest car dealer. They will check your information on their side, if necessary they may ask you for some vehicle related documents which you should share with them.
Then after 4 to 5 hours they will call you and tell you whether your insurance will be renewed or not. If there is a renewal they will call you and after you make the required payment your existing insurance will be renewed you don’t need to take the car for verification to showroom in this scenario.
If your car insurance has lapsed, you need to contact the insurer. They will tell you the insurance plans of different companies, you can select the plan that you like. After selecting the insurance plan, they will take a photo of your car and share your details and photos with the insurance company.
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If the insurance company approves the plan for your car, the dealer will inform the claimant and you will have to pay them the required amount. Your insurance will appear on the RTO website in two to three days after the insurance for your vehicle is passed.
If the plan selected by you is not accepted by the insurance company then the car dealer will suggest you a new plan and again you have to go through all the process as mentioned above.
We hope that you will find the best information in above article. If you want to know any extra information then please write comment in the comment section and also reach to us from Contact Us page. Stay connected with us. will always try to give best information to you. Thanks.